What is a Q Grader?

Certified Q Graders are professionals skilled in sensory evaluation of green coffee, and are employed throughout the industry. From CQIs website:

“Through Q Arabica and Q Robusta, the Q Program has become a tool of the trade, bringing specialized skills to coffee professionals around the world. By setting global expectations CQI helps both buyers and sellers benefit through a shared understanding of quality coffee.”

At its simplest, a Q Grader is a cupper who has passed CQI Q Combo Course & Exam. They are calibrated with CQI’s standards and aligned with the global quorum of Q Graders. One of the most important things about being a Q Grader is being in calibration with other Q Graders, and to speak that “common language of quality”. They score and evaluate coffees in compliance with a global standard, and because they are certified cuppers, their score holds weight

Q Graders can be certified in Arabica or Robusta. These two species of coffee have different characteristics, and different quality goals - so much so that we actually use a different cupping form to evaluate them! The training differs slightly for each of these certifications, and while it’s possible to get certified in both you would have to take both separate classes.

How can I become a Q Grader? 

Becoming a Q Grader is as easy as signing up for a Q Combo Course & Exam and passing all the tests! 

“Easy” might be the wrong word… the Q Combo lasts 6 days and includes 20 tests. These tests are so challenging that it’s expected students won’t be able to pass them all on the first try, so retakes are built into the course. 

Click here to learn more about this course!

Once you become a Q Grader, is there anything you have to do to maintain your certification? 

Yes, Q Graders have to calibrate in person with a group of fellow cuppers once every 3 years. This is a one day test consisting of cupping multiple cupping tables with your group. The day starts out with a practice table so you can get into the swing of things and then you cup three exam tables. You must be in calibration with your group for at least 2 of those 3 tables. 

CQI just launched a new calibration standard this year in 2023 using FlavorActiv solutions. Soon, Q Graders will need to calibrate on these flavor standards once a year. These exams can be done independently at home, remotely led by a Q instructor, or in person with a group. 

What’s the advantage of being a Q grader? 

The Q Grader Certification is a respected title in the coffee industry; it implies that you have a high level of experience as a cupper and quality evaluator, and that you understand and can communicate fluently in the global language of coffee quality.

This certification is sometimes required for positions in Quality Control, Roasters, Green Buyers, and exporters. It’s the gold standard in the industry. As a Q Grader, you can participate in official evaluations to grade blind samples for CQI. 

For more information, check out our CQI landing page!


3 ways to improve alignment & calibration


What is CQI?