What is CQI?

The Coffee Quality Institute is a 501(c)(3) non profit. It was founded at the turn of the 21st century with the goal of improving the quality of specialty coffee and the lives of those who produce it. Here is their mission: 

“Our mission is to improve the quality of coffee and the lives of those who produce it. Our vision is an education system that will pave the path to self-sufficient, thriving, sustainable coffee communities by supporting a common language of coffee and the best scientific practices throughout the value chain to improve quality. Through education and differentiation, CQI transforms the specialty and fine coffee market for the benefit of producers”

While the Q Grader certification might be the first thing that comes to mind, CQI offers a number of other services and courses. In fact their original goal - one they still espouse - was to certify coffees, not cuppers. By certifying a coffee as specialty grade, including a score and full sensory report, the producer can access more markets and higher prices. Coffees that go through Q evaluation and are not certified as specialty receive a Technical Report, which provides all the same information and which the producer can use to continue improving the quality of their crop. 

CQI’s original goal was to certify coffees as specialty grade, so that producers cultivating high-quality coffee could have a certification to back it up. The idea was that if there was a clear indicator that this coffee was of high quality, the producer could get a higher price per pound for their product.

This system of coffee evaluation and certification requires a panel of evaluators who are calibrated to a high standard and tightly aligned; and in 2004 the Q Grader certification was born!

CQI has a strategic plan for continuing their positive impact on the coffee industry. Here are a few of their goals: 

Promote a common language 

In order to talk about the quality of a coffee and the market impact that that quality can have, we need clear communication and mutual understanding on the concept of “quality”. The words we use to describe a high quality coffee matter, and the way those understood by cuppers a world away matters too. The global community of Q Graders works together to create a universal language of quality that is diverse, precise, and inclusive. 

Provide a toolbox of innovative education offerings 

The Q Combo Course & Exam is the foundation of CQI’s educational offerings, but there is a wealth of classes from Quality Evaluation for Arabica and Robusta to Green Coffee processing which spans from beginner 100-level classes through advanced professional 300-level courses. Check out all the Quality Evaluation courses I offer here. 

Create and support a global CQI network

CQI aims to build capacity within our community by creating employment opportunities for coffee specialists and experts by expanding CQI Educator opportunities, increasing engagement and building awareness across a larger community to increase overall impact.

Collaborate to amplify holistic projects with integrated education

CQI achieves this by ensuring education offerings are easily and efficiently incorporated into origin projects, and building education frameworks that support novice to expert engagement. 

There is a constant focus on developing local experts and Educators who will offer classes in more languages and more locations, bringing educational opportunities to their communities after projects end.

Facilitate market connections for the financial benefit of producers

Knowledge is power! CQI works to promote producer-education with a deeper understanding of the supply chain and go-to-market skills, and fosters connections between producers participating in field projects and buyers.

I have worked with CQI since 2015 and am still honored to promote their mission. For more information, check out my CQI page or visit https://www.coffeeinstitute.org/


What is a Q Grader?


3 reasons correct use of form matters when cupping coffee